Monday, March 23, 2009

There is so much to learn about, but the most exciting thing to learn is that it can keep one healthy. The multiple movements used to target on specific parts of the body is what dance therapy is all about. This type of therapy is focused on more than the body; it can also help the mind and spirit. Dancing can enhance an actors career too. The music gives people multiple moods depending on the melody and tempo. This melody and tempo brings out emotions one need to learn to control and put on a particular face to portray the mood of the song. This gesture helps the audience feel the music and not just hear the music.
Seeing that I am a dancers, one must forget about their personal life issues, clear their mind, and relax their body to make the music come alive. After one gets past the technique of the style of dance they are trying to perfect they should focus on making it appeal to others. When one does all of this they are getting a workout just the same as if they were at a gym. Dancing is better than going to any gym in my opinion. I learned that dance is used to prevent health issues for the future of those who have a strong percentage of receiving something hereditary and for those who just have a high risk from their weight factor.
This keeps their body able to fight and not letting it just shut down and be overcome by infections. Dance therapy is also used to get those better from what ever illness they are currently suffering from. It won’t heal nor cure them, but it assist them with dealing with their problems. This keeps them moving and active. It helps them mentally, which is the most important thing to deal with when someone is sick. After learning about how much good dancing does to ones body than bad, come to believe that everyone should dance or join a dance therapy class once in their life. It helps mentally, physically, and emotionally deal with obstacles that may occur in their life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Current Events

Dance is a something that will never go away. It revolutionizes the same way fashion does. Dancing is even on television. There is a section in On Demand were people show you how to do certain dances. It breaks down the dance into moves and a simple eight count.

There is two well known dance shows on TV called, So You Think You Can Dance and then there is Dancing with the Stars. These two shows are popular. On both shows contestants get injured. On Dancing with the Stars the professionals teach them the correct way to practice with the right clothes on, to stretch, and the basics of the dance about the rules. On Dancing with the Stars is a show were three judges take stars out of their element and teaching them to dance the foxtrot, waltz, jitterbug, lambada, and the tango by professional dancers. Some people get hurt when they are not careful. Every one of the dancers says this is an experience they will never forget and appreciate the opportunity to do such an invigorating experience. They have even stated that doing the show and leaning these dances are time consuming.

On the other show So You Think You Can Dance also has three judges. But the difference here is that they are not paired with professionals. These are ordinary people showing their talents and they also are willing to learn other dancing skills. This show has more street dancing than ballroom dancing. Since they don’t have professional dancers they get choreographers to create their dances. In each of their dances it portrays a story to each song. So they learn more than just dancing, they learn to express feelings through dancing. They too also get injured.

These shows prove that dancing can be done by anyone with the correct amount of dedication, support, and determination. It shows that it pays off in more than two ways to ones life.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Significant History

Dance is the most fundamental of the arts, involving direct expression through the body. Dance is a wonderful activity that anyone can do. Even if someone has two left feet, there is a dance they can do. There are too many types of dancing for someone not to find the one they can do. Dancing takes practice and dedication. There are times is does not require practice but it does take persistence. One needs to have patients when they are not naturally born with the talent to move gracefully to music. Some people have never notice or tried dancing before until it was forced upon them. There is something called dance therapy.

It is also considered dance/movement therapy. Dance as therapy was discovered in the 1940s; by psychiatrists in Washington, D.C., found that their patients were deriving benefits from attending Chace's unique dance classes. Today, in addition to those with severe emotional disorders, people of all ages and varying conditions receive dance/movement therapy. Some people who do these are individuals with eating disorders, adult survivors of violence, sexually and physically abused children, dysfunctional families, the homeless, autistic children, the frail elderly, and substance abusers. This therapy is to help people get through issues by occupying their mind, body, and spirit.

Now specialization is using dance/movement therapy in disease prevention and health promotion programs and with those who have chronic medical conditions. Many innovative programs provide dance/movement therapy for people with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic pain, or breast cancer.

Dance is being taken for granted. It can do so many things to prevent health issues. And if one gets health complications they can also receive dance/movement therapy as a treatment to get back to health. I did not know about dance therapy, but this makes me encourage dancing more too all groups and ages to participate in. This makes me want to continue dancing and try as many kinds as I possible can for my duration on the earth.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Credible Vs. Non-Credible Sources
I know it is a non-credible source because:
1. It has a ".com" web domain-meaning that anyone could have purchased it.
2. There is no clear author. On this site anyone can sign up and become an author.
3.The focus of this site is not targeted toward dancing and health. There are many subjects that deal with helpful and harmful things to the body.
4. But this site does have a list of related articles and sources.
5. There were no advertising on this page.
I know it is a non-credible source because:
1.It has a ".com" web domain-meaning that anyone could have purchased it.
2.This page has advertisiments on the side which shows it is a non-credible site.
3. The focus was on relaxation for the body using dancing.
4. It has more than one author.
5. It has a list of related aticles.
I know this is a credible source because:
1. This site ends in ".net" which means it is a network.
2. There isn't any advertisment on this page.
3. The focus of this page is toward belly dancing and how it helps the body.
4. There is one author and her name is Shira.
5. There is a list of all the classes and instructions on how to do belly dancing. She has links to show her sources of her knowledge for belly dancing and health.
I know this is a credible source because:
1. This site ends in ".edu" which shows it is a unviersity.
2.There are no advertisments on this page.
3. There focus was toward dancing helping someone remember information, which helps the brain in the long run.
4. The authors were kept to a minium.
5.There is a list of other related articles and sources at the bottom of this page.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dancing is an activity I love to do with my free time. When I have nothing to do, I chose a couple of songs and start creating a master piece. After I decide how I want it and how many people are in it, I call up some friends to complete the dance. I don’t like to create the whole dance without everyone’s style and opinion. One thing I allow in the dance is to much rolling and anything that looks provocative. I try to keep the dance clean and PG 13. I like doing different moves that catches the eye. I include stunts and multiple styles of dancing into my routine which makes my dance different from others.

But before every practice I have them to stretch, so there will be no strained or pulled muscles. It prepares the body for what I am ready to do…practice, practice, practice. With the routine that we come up with works out more than the legs. It exercises the arms, the stomach, and works on your balance. In some of the dances we have created we have done moves and stunts from dancing with the stars. I have taken dance class for salsa in the past. When I took that class it made me open my mind to other kinds. When I took salsa it made me happy. I like learning new things. When one is dancing salsa they must have a clear mind. One must be focus on what they are doing. It is dangerous if you are not paying attention or focused. You can step on someone’s foot or break someone’s nose.

Salsa taught me to clear my mind of anything and everything that is going on in the world and feel the music. One must become one with the music in order to create a dance to express ones feelings. I put my emotions into my dancing. Dancing relaxes me as I get lost with the music. Dancing cleanses the soul and stretches the body while adding excitement to everyone else who is watching.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Post #1

Dancing is skill many people take for granted. This activity keeps people in shape and healthy. I know there are many styles of dancing that can work out different parts of the body. You have salsa, hip hop, African, pop locking, tango, and rumba to name a few. Each dance takes strength from multiple parts of the body like salsa inquires concentration, remembrance, and quick leg reaction. Salsa is led by the males hand movement. When the male moves his hands a certain way it indicates a new move and this keeps the couple from stepping on each others feet. Each dance requires different actions such as these. To complete a routine it takes practice, practice, practice to master. As you dance you work out your muscles that are used more for the dance you are learning.

Dancing is also a fun way of exercising. One has fun learning new moves and performing showing their progress on what they learned. Many people will complete a dance routine that require practice three times a week for a two month time period verses going to the gym for the same time period.